Common Effluent
Treatment Plants

Textile Processing Industry in Tamil Nadu
The processing sector plays a varied and vital role in value addition and quality improvement in finished textile products. Tamil Nadu remains the nodal centre for the Textile Processing Sector.
The Central & State Governments contribution of
Rs.703.29 crore
towards establishment of 18 CETPsThe State Government share
Rs.300.00 crore
As grants-in-aid from Central and State.The Central Government share
Rs.200.00 crore
As interest free loan from Central Government.The State Government share
Rs.203.29 crore
As interest free loan from State Government.Establishment of CETP
The government is focusing on setting up Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETPs) with "Zero Liquid Discharge" (ZLD) facilities and other advanced technology in Textile clusters to arrest pollution and ensure a green and clean environment.
Accordingly, the Government of India and the Government of Tamil Nadu have sanctioned Rs. 703.29 crore to establish 18 CETPs with ZLD systems in Tiruppur and upgradation existing CETPs. This effort ensures sustainable production and sustained employment opportunities, thus significantly contributing to the district's knitwear and garment industry and overall economic development.

The Union and State Governments had sanctioned a sum of Rs. 300.00 crore as a subsidy to the 18 CETPs, of which the Union Government share was Rs. 187.50 crore and the State Government share was Rs. 112.50 crore.
In order to adopt the ZLD system in the CETPs and to install additional machinery in the existing CETPs, the State Government sanctioned a sum of Rs. 203.29 crore as an interest-free loan.
The Government of India have sanctioned and released a sum of Rs. 200.00 crore, of which Rs. 147.49 crore is for one-time settlement of Bank Loan Outstanding of the CETPs and Rs. 52.51 crore is for upgradation of the CETPs as an interest-free loan.
S.NO | Name of the CETPs | Project Cost | MLD Capacity | Details of Central and State Subsidy of Rs.300 Crore Released (2010-2014) | Details of IFL of Rs.200 Crore Released by GOI ( will be converted into grant based on performance parameters in succeeding years) | Details of IFL Rs.203.29 Crore by GoTN (2011-2018) | |||||
Central Subsidy of Rs.187.50 Crore (62.5%) | State Subsidy of Rs. 112.50 Crore (37.5%) | Rs.147.49 Crore to settle Bank loan outstanding on OTS in 2017 | Rs.52.51 Crore for upgradation of CETPs in 2017 | Project cost for ZLD as per Agreement | GoTN Interest free loan (75% of the Project cost) | GoTN Interest free loan So far released | Balance GoTN's IFL to be released | ||||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) |
1 | Veerapandi | 74.860 | 12.000 | 20.310 | 12.190 | 8.490 | 5.980 | 30.859 | 23.144 | 23.144 | 0.000 |
2 | Angeripalayam | 60.720 | 10.000 | 14.600 | 8.760 | 10.550 | 4.680 | 24.140 | 18.105 | 18.105 | 0.000 |
3 | Park | 26.590 | 2.000 | 7.110 | 4.270 | 3.940 | 1.230 | 6.327 | 4.745 | 4.745 | 0.000 |
4 | Mannarai | 28.740 | 4.200 | 8.400 | 5.040 | 3.990 | 2.150 | 11.100 | 8.325 | 8.325 | 0.000 |
5 | S.Periyapalayam | 14.150 | 1.500 | 4.430 | 2.660 | 4.870 | 1.940 | 10.020 | 7.515 | 7.105 | 0.410 |
6 | Sirupooluvapatti | 53.010 | 5.000 | 13.280 | 7.940 | 20.540 | 3.080 | 15.915 | 11.936 | 11.936 | 0.000 |
7 | Karaipudur | 33.000 | 4.500 | 7.640 | 4.590 | 22.460 | 3.320 | 17.116 | 12.837 | 12.837 | 0.000 |
8 | Andipalayam | 23.000 | 4.500 | 4.680 | 2.810 | 14.230 | 1.640 | 8.470 | 6.353 | 6.353 | 0.000 |
9 | Vettuvapalayam | 6.900 | 1.500 | 1.460 | 0.880 | 1.470 | 0.860 | 4.412 | 3.309 | 3.309 | 0.000 |
10 | Arulpuram | 46.090 | 5.500 | 14.080 | 8.450| | 5.950 | 2.920 | 15.100 | 11.325 | 11.325 | 0.000 |
11 | Murugampalayam | 89.220 | 11.000 | 14.740 | 8.840 | 11.910 | 5.850 | 30.200 | 22.650 | 22.650 | 0.000 |
12 | Ravapuram | 46.460 | 5.500 | 14.550 | 8.740 | 5.950 | 2.920 | 15.100 | 11.325 | 11.325 | 0.000 |
13 | Kallikadu | 22.080 | 3.000 | 7.490 | 4.490 | 3.250 | 1.260 | 6.498 | 4.874 | 4.874 | 0.000 |
14 | Mangalam | 35.490 | 4.000 | 8.960 | 5.380 | 5.060 | 2.300 | 11.870 | 8.903 | 8.903 | 0.000 |
15 | Eastern | 54.820 | 5.800 | 13.440 | 8.060 | 7.590 | 2.860 | 14.786 | 11.090 | 11.090 | 0.000 |
16 | Chinnakkarai | 53.640 | 8.000 | 14.450 | 8.670 | 7.700 | 4.250 | 21.960 | 16.470 | 16.470 | 0.000 |
17 | Kasipalayam | 33.840 | 4.400 | 7.950 | 4.770 | 4.240 | 2.340 | 12.080 | 9.060 | 9.060 | 0.000 |
18 | kunnangalpalayam | 40.230 | 5.500 | 9.930 | 5.960 | 5.300 | 2.930 | 15.100 | 11.325 | 11.325 | 0.000 |
Total | 742.840 | 97.900 | 187.500 | 112.500| | 147.490 | 52.510 | 271.053 | 203.291 | 202.881 | 0.410 |
The capacity of the CETPs are as tabulated below
S.NO | Name of the Common Effluent Treatment Plants | MLD Capacity |
1 | Veerapandi | 12.00 |
2 | Angeripalayam | 10.00 |
3 | Park | 2.00 |
4 | Mannarai | 4.20 |
5 | S.Periyapalayam | 1.50 |
6 | Sirupooluvapatti | 5.00 |
7 | Karaipudur | 4.50 |
8 | Andipalayam | 4.50 |
9 | Vettuvapalayam | 1.50 |
10 | Arulpuram | 5.50 |
11 | Murugampalayam | 11.00 |
12 | Rayapuram | 5.50 |
13 | Kallikadu | 3.00 |
14 | Mangalam | 4.00 |
15 | Eastern | 5.80 |
16 | Chinnakkari | 8.00 |
17 | Kasipalayam | 4.40 |
18 | kunnangalpalayam | 5.50 |
Total | 97.90 |
To achieve full Zero Liquid Discharge capacity of the CETPs, they have obtained consent to operate (CTO) permissions from TNPCB so far as detailed below
No.of CETP | CTO Permission obtained from TNPCB |
13 | 90% |
1 | 80% |
2 | 75% |
1 | 70% |
1 | 15% |