Functions of the
Department of Textiles
The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu inaugurated the newly created “Department of Textiles” on 25th Oct 2021 to give more focus to the development of the modern, vibrant, integrated, and world class textile sector in Tamil Nadu as per the G.O.(Ms).No.112, Handlooms, Handicrafts, Textiles, and Khadi (C2) Department, Dated 22.10.2021. Further it will focus on technical textiles, Spinning mills, Hosieries, Knitting, Garmenting, Processing sector, processing parks, 18 Common Effluent Treatment Plants at Tiruppur, Textile parks, and the manufacturing of home Textile products, apparels, domestic, and export products. Besides, institutions such as 6 co-operative spinning mills, Tamil Nadu Textile Corporation Limited (TNTC) Coimbatore, and Tamil Nadu Co-operative Spinning Mills Federation Limited (TANSPIN)

To provide support to the entire textile value chain from fibre to fashion.

To create marketing networks across the entire Textile value chain.

To encourage the industry to innovate, diversify, and value added to become internationally competitive.

To increase the share of textile exports from state manifold
To ensure development activities such as the supply of raw materials to all sectors of the Textile industry and augment the production of quality textile fabrics.
To formulate and implement the Textile policy and strategies for industrial development.
To make the state the preferred destination for foreign investments in the Textile sector.

The Department also monitors the techno-economic status of the industry and provides the requisite policy framework for modernization and rehabilitation.
The Department of Textiles coordinates with Center of Excellance (CoE's) and academia to support them for undertaking Research and Development activities.
To formulate policies related to intellectual property rights in the fields of patterns, trademarks, industrial designs, and geographical indications of goods.
Our Vision
To establish Tamil Nadu as a pre-eminent global textile hub renowned for its innovation, commitment to sustainability and excellence across the entire textile value chain.
To achieve sustainable growth across the Textile value chain, from fibre to fashion, textile machinery, and accessories, using abundant resources, including land, labour and logistics.
To ensure the quality of textiles for internal consumption and export purposes.
To make the State the preferred destination for foreign investments in the textile sector.
Our Mission
We have set forth a mission that encompasses various facets of growth and progress
Promote Innovation and Growth
To promote Research and Development, Technological advancements, and eco-friendly practices across the Textile value chain so as to attain sustainable growth in the Textile industry.
Empowering Communities
By creating employment opportunities across the Textile value chain, from fibre to fashion, Textile machinery and accessories, using abundant resources including land, Labour and Logistics.
Cultivate Collaboration
To promote the network with Fashion designers, Design institutes, Global brands etc., in the Textile industry and Textile associations of Tamil Nadu in an institutionalised manner.
Hub of Textile Product
To make the state the preferred destination for foreign investments in the textile sector, Organise annual events, Forecast fashion trends, and Promote Textile Tourism.