ஏற்றுமதி மையம்

முக்கிய அறிவிப்புகள்

1. During the Tamil Nadu Export Conclave held on September 22, 2021, the Hon'ble Chief Minister unveiled a significant development.​

Export Hub Establishment: The government has committed to establishing export hubs in three strategic districts: Tirupur, Karur and Kancheepuram. These hubs will focus on Promoting the export of Textile products within and around these districts.

2. The Hon'ble Chief Minister issued the following announcement in a press release issued on July 2, 2022.

Mega Exhibition Hall: A dedicated Mega Exhibition Hall will be established to showcase the diverse range of Textile products manufactured in the region. This platform will attract both domestic and international buyers, fostering trade opportunities.

Advanced Testing Lab: An Advanced Testing Lab will be set up to ensure the quality and compliance of Textile products. This facility will instill confidence among consumers and trading partners, enhancing the industry's credibility.

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Tamil Nadu's Textile Export Legacy

Tamil Nadu boasts a rich history in Textile manufacturing, having been a cornerstone of India's Textile exports for decades. The state's Textile industry is celebrated for its quality, innovation and extensive product portfolio. Key Textile clusters, including Tiruppur, Karur and Kancheepuram, have earned global recognition for their specialised offerings.

Economic Impact

The Textile sector in Tamil Nadu plays a pivotal role in employment generation, offering livelihoods to a significant workforce, including skilled artisans and labourer. This sector contributes significantly to the state's economic growth.

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Export Diversity

Tamil Nadu's Textile exports encompass a wide spectrum of products, including garments, fabrics, yarn and home Textiles. These exports cater to diverse international markets, reaching Asia, Europe, America and Africa.

Global Presence

The State's Textile products enjoy a global footprint, with exports extending to countries worldwide. Tamil Nadu's Textile industry has established a robust international presence, making it a prominent player in the global Textile market.

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Sustainability Focus

The textile industry in Tamil Nadu is increasingly emphasising sustainability. This includes eco-friendly production processes, the use of organic materials and a commitment to responsible practices aligned with global sustainability goals.

Tamil Nadu's strategic initiatives to establish export hub and invest in critical infrastructure signify a forward-looking approach to boosting Textile exports. With a rich historical legacy, a skilled workforce and diverse Textile clusters, Tamil Nadu is poised to continue its pivotal role in India's Textile export sector. These efforts not only contribute to the state's economic growth but also reinforce its status as a Textile leader on the global stage.

Government of Tamil Nadu Initiatives for Textile sector promotion

Tamil Nadu has a strong ecosystem for Textiles and Apparel. The State marks its overwhelming presence in all the industry sub-sectors, viz., Spinning, Weaving, Processing, knitting, Apparel & Garmenting and Home textiles. Tamil Nadu is the leading Textile manufacturing hub in the Country. The vision of the Hon'ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu is to make our State a  "One trillion dollar Economy by 2030. To achieve this, the contribution of the  Textile Industry in the State will be significant.
