Tamil Nadu Pavilion

Current Trends

Consumer behavior is undergoing rapid transformations worldwide, creating new opportunities and challenges for businesses. International marketing serves as a valuable avenue for expanding exposure, raising product awareness, and increasing exports. It also supports economic diversification and enables businesses to tap into previously untapped markets.

Textile Export Promotion at International Textile Fairs

The Government of Tamil Nadu is offering incentives, covering 50% of stall setup costs (up to Rs. 2 lakh per stall) and subsidizing 50% of airfare charges for 20 exhibitors or textile entrepreneurs (up to Rs. 25 lakh per fair, for economy class travel). This supports industry to understand the trends and export strategies. Tamil Nadu's textile sector already contributes over Rs. 50,000 crore in exports. Showcasing products at international Textile Trade Fairs is vital for global marketing. This initiative also aims to assist micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in entering export markets and exploring new international opportunities.

Financial Assistance
for Exhibitors

Financial assistance for exhibitors participating in the Tamil Nadu Pavilion include,

1. Stall Rent: The Government provides a 50% subsidy, up to Rs. 2.00 lakhs per exhibitor.
2. Airfare Assistance: A 50% subsidy, up to Rs. 25.00 lakh per fair, is provided to cover airfare expenses for participating textile entrepreneurs, with economy class travel.

This financial support is aimed at empowering entrepreneurs in Tamil Nadu who possess outstanding products, innovative ideas, and a strong commitment to advancing the textile industry.

Promotion of Technical Textiles

The government recognizes the significance of technical textiles for Tamil Nadu and India, offering investment opportunities and job creation. The Department of Textiles, in collaboration with the Ministry of Textiles and the Confederation of Indian Industries, organized a two-day International Conference on Technical Textiles in Chennai in November 2022. This event brought together industry leaders, policymakers, and experts, with over 500 participants, including government representatives, fostering discussions on the future of India's technical textiles industry. The conference resulted in a roadmap for global leadership over the next decade and featured a Technical Textiles exhibition with positive feedback.
